Code of Ethics for CC Students

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Code of Ethics for Collegium Civitas Students


We, the students of Collegium Civitas, with the intention to mould the moral stance of the students and to upkeep the good reputation of the University, do hereby adopt the Code of Ethics for Collegium Civitas Students.

The Code has been put together on the basis of the mission of the University, which we hope to fulfil conscientiously during our studies and in our adult lives.  We consider that openness towards others, despite our differences, and mutual respect are the highest of values, and each of us should stand in their defence should the need arise.

We believe that if we will all apply the rules of the Code of Ethics, we will achieve our goals and will be able to strive towards development on all levels with greater ease and without fears.


Chapter I

General Provisions


§ 1

The principles put down in the Code of Ethics ensue from generally accepted moral norms and are in agreement with the habits which prevail in the academic environment.

§ 2

To observe the principles of the Code of Ethics and to encourage their observance in the academic environment is the duty of all the students.

§ 3

The norms and the values contained in the Code of Ethics are in conformity with the Act on Higher Education and Science, the Statute of the University and the Rules and Regulations of the Studies. In particular, though, with legal provisions governing the rights and duties of the students.

§ 4

In the case of persistent infraction of the Code of Ethics and of the Rules and Regulations of the Studies, the student should be aware of the possible consequences, that is of suspension of his or her student rights or of complete expulsion from the University.


Chapter II

The Student and Science and Learning


§ 5

It is the student’s duty to strive for self-improvement and for the truth.

§ 6

The student should be guided by honesty and diligence during the learning process and in general.

§ 7

The student must treat others with respect, students, auditors and lecturers alike.

§ 8

The student, when present at the University, must not disturb others in their acquisition of knowledge.

§ 9

Every student has the right to broaden his or her knowledge beyond the required courses by being active in scientific circles and student organizations within and outside of the University.

§ 10

The student should be open to constructive criticism of his or her own scientific achievements. The student has the right to express constructive criticism concerning the scientific achievements of his or her fellow students and of the university scientific staff, if it is expressed in a manner respectful of their work.

§ 11

In discussions concerning scientific matters, students should use factual and substantive arguments. It is considered reprehensible to use eristic tricks or other manipulation in discussions.

§ 12

Students should be guided by honesty and diligence when writing their assignments and papers, those to obtain credit for courses and likewise in their degree thesis. Thus each student hereby pledges that he or she will respect copyright and is aware of the legal consequences of their infringement.

§ 13

The student must prepare diligently to obtain credit for his or her courses.  He or she must not look for ready answers or obtain help from other people when taking tests or examinations.


Chapter III

The Student and the Academic Community


§ 14

The student must behave in a respectful manner towards others, that is towards his or her fellow students, the administration staff, the lecturers, the academic staff and towards the members of the Rector’s office and team at Collegium Civitas. When in contact with other people, the student should demonstrate impeccable manners and appropriate behaviour.

§ 15

The student should be an active participant in his or her academic community, for example by taking part in the organization of various events organized by the students and the staff of Collegium Civitas, which events serve to propagate the values inherent to the mission of the University.

§ 16

Any discriminatory acts, be it in regard to political views, religious convictions, skin colour, sex or sexual orientation are contrary to the values upheld by the academic community of Collegium Civitas.

§ 17

Conflicts between the students, between students and the administration or between the students and the lecturers are resolved whenever possible in a conciliatory way.

§ 18

Higher year students should be willing to help and to share their experience and knowledge with those in the lower years.  Members of the Collegium Civitas community should support each other in their quest to develop and excel.


Chapter IV

The Student and the University


§ 19

The student should care for the good name and reputation of his or her University, even after completing his or her studies and becoming a graduate.

§ 20

The student has the duty to upkeep the traditions and habits accepted at the University and to cultivate them in the academic community.

§ 21

The student should make an effort to participate in official events organized by the University.

§ 22

The student must fulfil his or her administrative duties towards the University, in particular: he or she must register in time for the courses, he or she must register for the right number of subjects, he or she must take the exams at the time set out in the examination schedule, and he or she must obtain credit for obligatory training courses.


Chapter V

The Student and the World at Large


§ 23

The student must not be indifferent where human suffering is concerned, and should be active in the fight against social exclusion no matter what its character and source are.

§ 24

The student must not be indifferent to animal suffering, and should he or she witness it, he or she must react accordingly by helping alleviate it or by informing the competent authorities of it.

§ 25

The student must care for the natural environment and for our planet.  As far as possible, he or she should  attempt to practice and propagate the principles of sustainable development.