Our mission

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The mission of Collegium Civitas is to create a dynamic and stimulating multigenerational and international academic environment in order to educate and nurture future leaders both in Poland and abroad; leaders in civil society, in business and the economy, in politics and the media and many other fields. Our aim is to help create a generation of creative, entrepreneurial and open-minded individuals who are ready to embrace the challenges in the multicultural world of the future. Our university is open to the exchange of ideas, to public debate and discourse, and has a broad minded outlook in a complex world. Our teachers have diverse academic backgrounds ranging from the social sciences and international relations and diplomacy, to security and management; and from new media and journalism to culture and the arts.

Collegium Civitas prides itself on its civic attitude. The most important value at our school is the freedom of the individual. We value pluralism of thought and speech and value the community in which we live. Above all we stand for the respect for all human beings no matter from which culture and background they might come. Collegium Civitas is a broad community with many diverse strands and this is expressed in our motto: ‘Gradu diverso, via una‘, or ‘The same way by different steps’. We aim at a common goal but realize that this may be reached in different ways. We follow the principles of social responsibility of education and science and respect the dignity of each individual who chooses to become part of our community.