Professor Stanisław Mocek
A sociologist, political scientist and media expert. The Rector of Collegium Civitas.
He is also an expert in the field of political and social systems, political transformation, social problems at the micro and macro scale, public participation and civil society. From 1990 to 2014 he worked at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, currently a member of the ISP PAN Scientific Council. Scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science and laureate of the Karl Popper Award, he is also editor-in-chief of the quarterly Animacja Życia Publicznego (Animation of Public Life) and the scientific yearbook “Zoon Politikon”.
He is author of the books “Moralne podstawy życia politycznego” (Moral Foundations of Political Life, 1997) and “Dziennikarze po komunizmie: elita mediów w świetle badań społecznych” (Journalists after Communism. Media Elite in Social Research, 2006), as well as being scientific editor of collective works “Dziennikarstwo, media, społeczeństwo” (Journalism, Media, Society, 2005), “Nieodkryty wymiar III sektora” (Undiscovered Dimension of the Third Sector, 2014), “Terroryzm w medialnym obrazie świata” (Terrorism in the Media Image of the World, with K. Liedel, 2010) and “Efekt motyla: scenariusze rozwoju sektora społecznościowego w Polsce” (Butterfly Effect. Scenarios for the Development of the Social Sector in Poland, with R. Krenz and B. Skrzypczak, 2015).
He cooperated with Oxford University in the programme “Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe” (2011-2014) and London School of Economics in the projects “The Future of Public Service Broadcasting: Poland in a Comparative Perspective” (2016-2017) and ” ‘We, the People’: political discourses of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Poland in a comparative perspective”(2017-2018).