To ensure the entire Collegium Civitas community of students, teaching and research staff, and administrative employees is healthy and safe, the Rector of Collegium Civitas, considering the current, still very serious, pandemic situation in Poland and other countries, has decided to conduct all classes for bachelor and master’s degree students online in the winter semester based on the statutory right to university autonomy and the principles for ensuring security. A similar approach will be taken towards postgraduate students, the University of the Third Age and the Children’s College, but regulations in this regard are going to be adopted by way of separate university regulations. Administrative employees will continue to work online, ensuring efficient and effective operations of the University as a whole, as well as its individual areas and departments.
Given our university’s profile and approach, we are ready to carry out all classes online without detriment to our curricula and classes, and to ensure the highest quality of education in this regard. Our e-learning activities in the last semester were very highly rated by students learning in Polish and in English (92% of students gave a positive rating to the transition to e-learning and the way the university organised this process). In the last semester, this formula was successfully used in several thousand classes, defences of diploma theses, exams and tests during the examination session, even in some student internships. Various forms of support for students were also provided, including significant psychological and financial assistance. Therefore, we will now spare no effort to further improve and perfect online education, work and communication within the scope of our equipment, IT and e-learning tools.
Students continuing their education, as well as those just starting at our university, will have access to classes and lecturers regardless of their location. Special support will be given to first-year students currently being enrolled, who will receive full administrative and organisational support from university management, employees of Student Affairs and Didactic departments, and supervisors of individual faculties and specialisations. We will thus be able to integrate students, in friendship and solidarity, within our academic community in these exceptional and unprecedented circumstances. In light of these challenges, the “Civitas” in our name takes on a new meaning and we have already proved our ability to successfully face these challenges as an academic community.
We invite you today to our Online Inauguration of the new academic year (28 September), during which we will welcome first year students and listeners, and friends of Collegium Civitas from Poland and all around the world.