Professor Jadwiga Koralewicz
Sociologist, co-founder and the first Rector of Collegium Civitas, the President of Collegium Civitas.
Professor in Sociology; she has been teaching at Collegium Civitas and Theater Directing Department at the Theater Academy, Warsaw (1983-2019). Co-founder and first President of the Polish Association of Political Studies. She serves the Chairwoman of the Foundation Council of Collegium Civitas (2019-present), Vice-President of PUE (Polish Educational Union) and Member of the Board Polish Confederation Lewiatan (2014 – present).
In 1973 she received her Ph.D. degree from Lodz University. Since 1974 she has been an academic (first adjunct then associate professor) at Lodz University and the Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Philosophy and Sociology and Institute of Political Studies. In 1987 she completed her Habilitation and in 1993 received the professor title (Titular Professor) from the President of the Republic of Poland.
Between 1989 and 1991 Prof. Koralewicz was an advisor to the Citizens’ Parliamentary Caucus “Solidarity”, which grouped anti-communist legislators of the 1989 Parliament. In the years 2012-2018 she served as a Member of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission and Chairperson of the Academic Committee (2012-2018).
She is one of the co-founders and served as the first President of the Association of Political Education (Poland). She was Member of the Board of the European Political Science Network (2004-2006), Board Member of the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI), Denmark (1992-1999), Editor – in – chief of the “Politicus” quarterly issued by the Institute of Political Studies (1992-1996) and co – founder and one of coordinators of the European Master’s degree Programme on Human Rights and Genocide Studies (Collegium Civitas-Warsaw; Kingston University-London; University of Siena; European University-Viadrina-Frankfurt/Oder).
Prof. Koralewicz received numerous international scholarships, including long-term ones from: Uppsala University; Nuffield College, Oxford; CNRC, Paris; University of California, Berkeley.
She conducted guest lectures at prestigious academic institutions in Poland and abroad, including: Columbia University, Lund University, Carleton University, University of Copenhagen, University of Tubingen, European University Institute in Florence, Jerusalem University, Soochow University in Taipei, Oxford University.
Prof. Koralewicz took part in international conferences, among them: the International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting in Amsterdam, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Berlin; the World Sociological Congress of International Sociological Association; several European Science Foundation seminars; Academia Europea Seminar; European Sociological Association Congress; European Political Science Network meeting in Paris.
She was part of such major international research projects as the European Values Study; European Science Foundation’s Beliefs in Government programme; Identifying the Basis of Party Competition in Eastern Europe – which was coordinated by Nuffield College, Oxford; European Science Foundation programme – Cultural Diversity, Collective Identity and Collective Action; University of Tubingen 3 year programme on Political Culture and Democratization; COST A24 programme – Social Construction of Threats.
Prof. Koralewicz is the author of numerous books, chapters and papers and publishes in Polish, English, German and French. She received the Polish Academy of Sciences Best Sociological Book of the Year Award, Ministry of Higher Education Award and the Democratic Party Award.
Selected book publications:
• Editor, Dylematy współczesnej młodzieży w Polsce (Dilemma of the Contemporary Youth in Poland), Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 2009
• Author, Autorytaryzm, Lęk, Konformizm, Extended second edition, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warsaw, 2008
• Co-author with Marek Ziółkowski, Mentalność Polaków, Extended second edition, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warsaw, 2003
• Editor, European Value System, IPS PAS & Collegium Civitas Press, Warsaw 1999;
• Co-author with Hanna Malewska-Peyre, Człowiek Człowiekowi Człowiekiem (Homo Homini Homo Est), IPS PAS, Warsaw 1998;
• Editor, Party system – Political System – Social Consciousness, Sisyphus, Warsaw 1995;
• Co-author with Marek Ziółkowski, Mentalność Polaków, (The Polish Mentality), Nakom, Poznań 1990. Received the Polish Academy of Sciences Best Sociological Book of the Year Award;
• Editor, Społeczeństwo Polskie przed Kryzysem (The Polish Society before the Crisis), PWN, Warsaw 1987;
• Author, Autorytaryzm, Lek, Konformizm, (Authoritarianism, Conformity, Anxiety), Ossolineum, Wrocław 1987. Received the Polish Academy of Sciences Best Sociological Book of the Year Award;
• Co-editor, Crisis and Transition, The Polish Society in the 1980s, Berg Publishers, Oxford 1987;
• Author, System wartości i struktura społeczna (Value System and Social Structure), Ossolineum, Wrocław 1974. Won the Ministry of Higher Education Award and the Democratic Party Award.