Dr Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska, researcher and lecturer at Collegium Civitas, has published a scholarly article in the renowned international journal Politics and Governance. The article, titled “China as a Green Soft Power and the Belt and Road Initiative: Evidence From Pakistan”, offers a valuable contribution to the study of China’s soft power and environmental diplomacy.
The author examines whether – and to what extent – China uses environmental policy as a tool to enhance its international status. The article focuses on the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and its impact on China’s image as a global environmental leader.
The publication highlights both the potential and the limitations of China’s “green soft power.” It critically assesses whether China’s pro-environmental declarations are reflected in concrete actions or are rather part of a broader political-economic strategy. While China has taken steps in the field of green diplomacy, the article points out that their influence on Pakistan’s local environmental policies remains limited. Moreover, coal-based projects within the CPEC framework undermine China’s narrative of ecological transformation.
This publication offers important insights for scholars of international relations and policymakers interested in environmental diplomacy and soft power strategies.
Full article is available here.
The research was conducted with financial support from the National Science Centre (NCN) as part of the SONATA 16 project: Environmental Diplomacy as a Soft Power Instrument: China and the Belt and Road Initiative (grant no. 2020/39/D/HS5/02769).