We invite you to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship and to spend the summer semester 2020/21 studying at one of Collegium Civitas’ partner universities.
Deadline for applications: October 20, 2020
How it works:
- a student does not pay tuition fees at the host university
- a student receives 20% discount in tuition fees at Collegium Civitas in the semester when he/she studies abroad
- a student receives monthly scholarship from the Erasmus + program
- a student receives on-line language support
- students receiving a social scholarship will receive additional funding (plus 200 Euro monthly), funded under the POWER program.
Required documents:
- application form (available at: wu.civitas.edu.pl)
- cv – Europass (www.europass.org.pl)
- cover letter (one page)
- confirmation of work done for Collegium Civitas or active participation is student organizations at CC (optional)
- language certificate
- photo
- copy of student ID card
The application package should be sent to the Erasmus+ Coordinator Mrs. Anna Jachimiak: anna.jachimiak@civitas.edu.pl
For more information please visit: www.civitas.edu.pl/erasmus
And for the detailed information please visit the Virtual University (using your student login details): https://wu.civitas.edu.pl