Hybrid Teams Management in VUCA World with Implementation of IR 5.0

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Program studiów* obejmuje 168 godzin dydaktycznych realizowanych przez dwa semestry w trybie niestacjonarnym.


Ramowy program studiów:*
Negotiation and mediation in business – Conflict theory, international case study, exercises to improve argumentation, learning the principles and techniques of negotiation and mediation, psychosomatic and online communication skills in business communication, arbitration (12h)

Introduction to communication – Discussing different paradigms of communication theory, presenting methods of message analysis (linguistic, visual) and describing the specificity of network communication (6h)

Islam, culture, and politics in the digital age – Complex relationship between digital media, religion, and politics in Arab-muslim culture. The workshop aims to chart a map of media practices in Arab countries in the past decade, and trace how these practices are informing the rise of new notions of citizenship, cultural policy, digital activism, and media consumption (12h)

Information security management (ISO/IEC 27001) – Understand the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 and the information security controls, security principles and concepts, understand what is required for an organization and the implementation of an Information Security Management Systems (26h)

Leadership and change management – Types and methods of management and leadership building, turquoise management, senior leadership, the power of vision, managing change and diversity in an enterprise, managing business robotization, operations management, case study (24h)

Unique forms of leadership and management of hybrid teams – Turquoises, Start-ups, and New Transformations; to learn the application of methodologies in teamwork and their strategies in projects. There may be applications of Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban and others a. – depending on the expert’s specialization (12h)

Seminar – Teamwork, application of agile organizational methods (4h)

Humans and AI at Work – Coexistence, Cooperation, Implementation – Techniques for recognizing feelings, emotions, contemporary recruitment technologies, hidden technologies expanding the use of service marketing, using intelligent agents for team collaboration (12h)

Hybrid teams facilitation and integration – Techniques for effectively integrating teams, e.g., Design Thinking or different t., trust building, creating opportunities for talent development and creative creativity, using technology to create inclusive scenarios, e.g., VR, agile applications, internal social groups – depending on the expert’s specialization (12h)

Psychology of Politics in Digital Societies – The study of political behavior using cognitive and social explanations. Presents sociological and psychological foundations and dynamics of political process and the way it influence the outcomes both personal and global, and also online ecosystem of Politics (6h)

Quick Response Manufacturing in hybrid solution – Application of QRM in teamwork with strict time regulations, TBC, case study, case-based exercises, system dynamics, office process reorganization, management reorganization, team performance (12h)

Intellectual Property Management – Protecting intellectual property in hybrid processes of management, creating organizational structures, procedures, bylaws, contracts, defining and redefining budgets, creating professional staff and tools (12h)

Humans and Robots at Work – Coexistence, Cooperation, Automation
Workforce Management – Robotization of business, development of new industries and new jobs through robotization – machine operators, machine applications, technical and transportation staff, coaching to integrate machines and people in the workplace; ethical and cultural issues and challenges, case study and growth analysis of companies investing in robotization, bionic body parts and transhumanism in the workplace versus generational challenges (12h)

Workforce Management – Mastering the key performance indicators to effectively managing staffing. Create professional Excel service level reports for supervisors and managers. You will learn what a real time analyst really is (6h)

*Program może ulec niewielkim zmianom.

Zasady realizacji studiów:

  • Theoretical and practical introduction to management, communication and digitization of the workplace in hybrid teams.
  • Introduction to working with robots and machines in industry.
  • Case studies and innovation methodology (agile, systemic, mixed, turquoise and other solutions).
  • Analysis of good business practices, applicability and creation of own projects.
  • Meetings with external experts and leaders of leading brands in the market; perhaps a common output related to the experience of working with robots and machines and AI.
  • Possibility of certification in QRM methodology with additional effort (information from the speaker).
  • Analysis of social and digital change in the global space and redefinition of identity in a digital, cyborg and transformational society – work on source examples and own experiences.
  • Seminar as a team work on a project – summary of knowledge and experience gained in the development of one’s soft skills and ability to use digital tools.


Forma zaliczenia studiów podyplomowych
Warunkiem uzyskania świadectwa ukończenia studiów podyplomowych jest:

  • zaliczenie przedmiotów objętych programem studiów.


Absolwent studiów podyplomowych uzyskuje świadectwo ukończenia studiów podyplomowych wydane przez Collegium Civitas.


Organizacja zajęć*

Czas trwania: 2 semestry

Terminy* zjazdów w roku 2022/2023
semestr zimowy:

  • październik: 01-02 – w siedzibie uczelni; 15-16 – online;
  • listopad: 12-13 – w siedzibie uczelni; 26-27 – online
  • grudzień: 10-11 – w siedzibie uczelni;
  • styczeń: 14-15 – online; 28-29 – online;

semestr letni

  • marzec: 11-12 – online; 25-26 – online;
  • kwiecień: 15-16 – online; 29-30 – online;

*organizacja i terminy zjazdów mogą ulec nieznacznym zmianom

Godziny zajęć:*

  • Sobota: 9.00-18.00
  • Niedziela: 9.00-16.15

*godziny mogą ulec przesunięciom



Dział Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas
tel. 22 656 71 89
e-mail: rekrutacja@civitas.edu.pl

pokój 1210, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 piętro
plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa