Summer Schools and Study Visits

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Summer School

The participants have the opportunity to study global security from the perspective of Central Europe. Two world wars, the Cold War, the fall of communism, integration into the European Union … understanding these historical events is not only critical to understanding the region today, but also the complex nature of security issues in Europe and beyond. The Security and Society Summer School is a six-week intensive course with an online research internship. Four weeks are spent abroad, based in Warsaw, and with a study tour to Berlin (Germany). A research internship is integrated into the course, with the final two weeks of the internship done remotely (online). Earn 8 ECTS (4 US semester credits).

Learn more about the Summer school details at:

In addition Collegium Civitas offers an array of on-demand courses: faculty-led programmes, thematic study visits to Poland and training for professionals (incl. topics of international relations, security issues and internationalization of higher education). If you are interested in exploring these opportunities with your university or institution, please contact us at: