Ukrainian academics participated in an intensive internship programme at Collegium Civitas University

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Collegium Civitas University organized a dedicated training programme for professors, PhDs and higher education managers from more than 30 universities from all around the Ukraine in the week of 21-24 November 2017. Participants took part in the lectures on the problems of organization of the higher education in Poland. Many speakers from the management of Collegium Civitas University presented a Polish model of education. The key speakers included the rector of Collegium Civitas University – Prof. Stanislaw Mocek, president of Collegium Civitas University and first Rector of Collegium Civitas University – Prof. Jadwiga Koralewicz and Zbigniew Bujak the leader and legend of Solidarity movement (7 years in the underground activity during marshall law in the years 1981 – 1987). The organizer of the group expressed her gratitude saying that “We have the best impressions after visiting your university. Our researchers enjoyed everything, every lecture was very interesting and they are convinced that it was a very useful experience for future professional development.”