dr Paulina Piasecka
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Collegium Civitas. Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of security sciences, specialist in the field of hybrid warfare, international terrorism and information warfare. Director of the Terrorism Research Center at Collegium Civitas, Deputy Director of the Centre for Information Analysis. Author of the educational channel “Dangerous topics according to Dr. Piasecka” on YouTube.
She participated in the research programs “Model of the system of using the mass media in counteracting and fighting terrorism in the conditions of the Republic of Poland” under the international COST A24 program (2007-2010) and “Dialogue About Radicalization and Equality” (DARE) financed under the Horizon 2020 program. She worked in the Unit for Terrorist Threats Combating of the Department of Public Security in the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration. She also served as the head of the Non-Military Security Unit of the Legal and Non-military Affairs Department of the National Security Bureau.
A scholarship holder of the United States government as part of the International Visitor Leadership program in the field of cybersecurity, a graduate of the course “Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism” (Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, USA).
Author, co-author and co-editor of numerous publications in the field of security and information analysis, incl. the “Security and Society in the Information Age” series published by Collegium Civitas Press, “Report on the Comparative Analysis of European Counter-Radicalisation, Counter-Terrorist and De-Radicalisation Policies”, July 2019, report published under the EU-funded DARE project (Grant Agreement no. 725349), eds.: Łukasz Jurczyszyn, Krzysztof Liedel, Michelle Pacewicz and Paulina Piasecka; “Security in times of terrorism. How to survive a terrorist attack”, authors: Krzysztof Liedel, Paulina Piasecka, Warsaw 2018; “Information Analysis. Theory and Practice”, authors: Krzysztof Liedel, Paulina Piasecka, Tomasz R. Aleksandrowicz, Warsaw 2012.