How to spend free time #stayinghome?

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We prepared some useful ideas to pass the time during the quarantine. We’re all struggling in one way or another during these hard times. We hope our students are taking care and staying healthy. Here are the interesting ways to fight with boredom at home:

1. It’s important to stay fit. The lack of the activities affects physical and mental health. These apps can help you to organise daily exercises.

  • Nike Training Club
  • 8Fit

2. The list of the greatest museums which offer virtual tours. You can visit the Sistine Chapel or plunge into the world of Ancient Egypt without leaving the couch.

3. The quarantine is a chance to start doing something you always dreamt about, but couldn’t find the time. Learning a new language? There are some apps which can make it easier and fun.

  • Duolingo
  • LinguaLift
  • Memrise

4. If you want to improve you are language skills, language tandem is a good solution. You can you use these groups on Facebook.

5. It is also worth focusing on personal development. Languages, writing, communication, business? There is a variety of free online courses offered on the Internet.

6. You can hang out with your friends online. Here are two platforms for joint games:

7. If you want to learn playing a musical instrument the website imusic-shool provide a vast catalogue of free videos with professional musicians teaching amateurs how to play musical instruments. You can learn pianos, guitars, violins, drums, harmonicas, double basses, clarinet and more.

8. Cooking is your passion or you just a beginner? The Allrecipes website provides thousands of recipes.


Author: Kateryna Hashuta