Bieliński Jacek, PhD

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I am a sociologist, PhD in social sciences, assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland. In addition to my position as an assistant professor, I serve as the Deputy Head of the Sociology Department. I also work as assistant professor at the National Information Processing Institute in the Laboratory of Statistical Analysis, Warsaw, Poland.

I specialize in social research methodology, survey research, quantitative data analysis, values and norms of Polish society, anomie theories, sociology of science, pro-environmental behaviour.

I focus on axio-normative grounds of contemporary liberal democracies, values and norms of scientists and legitimacy of social-political systems.

My research on Institutional Anomie Theory has focused on the ways in which cultural values and institutions can lead to social disorganization and deviant behavior. Specifically, I have conducted research, which offer a theoretically derived, comprehensive measure of the individual-level instantiation of an anomic culture depicted in IAT, that is, ‘marketized mentality’. Structural equation models testing for the single higher-order factor marketized mentality were calculated with a representative random sample of Poland’s population.

I have also published research on the sociology of science, investigating the ethos of science in contemporary Poland. This research has examined the different types of ethos of science present in Poland, including the academic, industrial, post-academic, and opportunistic types.

Additionally, I have conducted research on pro-environment behavior, exploring the factors that motivate individuals to engage in environmentally friendly practices. My work has focused on the primary drivers of private-sphere pro-environmental behavior in several European countries during the Covid-19 pandemic.