Gudonis Marius, PhD

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Sociologist at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Marius Gudonis specializes in contemporary Ashkenazi and Polish history, post-truth rhetoric, and the sociology of prejudice and genocide denial. His 2022 doctoral dissertation was entitled Polish Public Discourse on the Holocaust, 1944-2000: A Sociological Perspective.

His publications include “Particularizing the Universal: New Polish Jewish Identities and a New Framework of Analysis” (New Jewish Identities, CEU Press, 2003), “Constructing Jewish Identity in Post-Communist Poland” (EEJA, 2001), and “How Useful is the Concept of Post-Truth in Analysing Genocide Denial?” (Zoon Politikon, 2017).

In addition to his academic pursuits, he has, amongst others, worked as a UNESCO project manager for the Management of Social Transformations programme, a TEFL/ESP language instructor at Paris Descartes University, and a history communications consultant for the Warsaw Rising Museum. He is the recipient of an award from the World Association of Home Army Soldiers for his contribution to the Patriotic Communication Game that seeks to disseminate history of the Home Army to a younger audience.

He has translated, amongst others, the late Władysław Bartoszewski’s O Żegocie: relacja poufna sprzed pół wieku (Żegota: A Confidential Report from Half a Century Ago). Recently he has coedited with Benjamin T. Jones, History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis (Routledge, 2021)