New Research Project at Collegium Civitas Secures NCN Funding

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We are proud to announce a new research project at Collegium Civitas that has received funding from the National Science Centre (NCN). The project, led by our researcher and lecturer, Prof. Anna Cieślewska, will commence in July and span three years. Congratulations on this achievement!

Titled “Religious domains of infrastructure and its role among Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Georgia”, the project aims to analyze how the two largest minorities in Georgia—Armenians and Azerbaijanis—create, use, and maintain infrastructure within a religious context. The study will explore this issue on various levels, including local relationships, interactions with the Georgian state, and transnational connections.

Key activities of the project include field research in Georgia, a theoretical seminar on infrastructure in a religious context, and a photo and video exhibition. The findings will be disseminated through scientific articles, a special issue of a journal, and presentations at international academic conferences.



The project is funded by the National Science Centre under the OPUS program, contract no. UMO-2023/51/B/HS1/01893.