Scientific activities of Dr Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska

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The recent scientific work by Dr Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska includes participation in research seminars in Shanghai and Germany as well as co-authoring of the report “Mapping The Scope Of China’s Soft Power In Estonia” published by the East Asia Institute – National University of Singapore.

In recent months, one of our lecturers, Dr Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska, has conducted a research visit in Shanghai, China College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Shanghai University (SU) as part of a project “Environmental Diplomacy as a Soft Power – Does Green Soft Power Exist?” and took part in the roundtable “Construction of the Ecological Civilisation from the Perspective of China and the West”.

Additionally, she has recently co-authored a background brief “Mapping The Scope Of China’s Soft Power In Estonia” that was published by the East Asia Institute – National University of Singapore. The executive summary of the paper can be found under the following link:

On September 11th and 12th Dr Nitza-Makowska also participated in the “Enlight Workshop – More than a Distant Relative: China and its Neighbors in an Increasingly Turbulent World” in Göttingen, Germany. She was a moderator of the panel “China and Central Asia” and took part in a recording about the relations between China and Pakistan. The project Sonata is related to China’s “green soft power” towards chosen countries of Central Asia and towards Pakistan.