Summer School: Security and Society in the Information Age

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Between June and July the online Summer School will be hosted by Collegium Civitas combining the two-week intensive course Central Europe & Security Issues with an optional four-week research internship with the Terrorism Research Center. Enrollment deadline is May 15.

Designed and launched jointly in 2015 by SRAS (USA) and Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland, the summer school program “Security and Society in the Information Age” addresses global issues from unique perspectives.

This course offers a broad overview of the security challenges faced by the countries of Central Europe and also by NATO and the European Union in the XXI century. This year we will focus on the regional and global implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. War, international law relating to war and peacebuilding are topics that will be covered. Other topics will include: hybrid threats, cybersecurity, and terrorism.

In the era of globalization and interconnectivity emerging security threats radiate to the whole world. Thus, much of this course will take a global perspective and examine issues that are affecting multiple current geopolitical hotspots. Students will look at the challenges of rising fundamentalism and migration and how it affects wider regions. They will also discuss the evolution of threats relating to terrorism – psychology of terrorism, risk assessment and analysis as well as issues related to mass media. They will learn how the theory of networks and graphs can be applied in analyzing and countering threats. Students will explore the links between information and security in a time of war – hybrid war and conventional warfare. There will also be an emphasis on the challenges of cybersecurity, terrorism, and war and peacebuilding, including cyberwar and net-centric warfare. In addition, we will take a look at the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the security environment.

The participants will leave the program with an in-depth knowledge of the most challenging security issues in contemporary Central Europe, and the world, and will gain a sense of the importance of the region on international affairs.

Information on tuition fees, credits, detailed schedule and enrollment: SRAS website.