Experts’ strategies against fake news

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Event Date: 2023-10-13

The seminar “Experts’ strategies against fake news” will take place on October 13, 2023, at 9:00 at the Centre de civilisation française et d’études francophones of Warsaw University, 55 Dobra Street, room 2.118. The German Embassy, the French Embassy, and the University of Warsaw are organizing the event. The seminar, held in English, is open to all interested students. Registration is required as the number of places is limited. 

Access to reliable information is essential for any democratic society. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine shows the challenges of systematic information manipulations and the use of disinformation. Still, it also provides an essential perspective on how to counter false and misleading content. The organizers invite you to the seminar about reliable journalism and information processing in the context of war. Scientists, journalists, and student groups are working on methods to ensure verified information in social media and the press. How can the countries of the Weimar Triangle – Germany, France, and Poland – join forces to ensure that their people can make informed choices?

The one-day seminar counts with the participation of renowned experts from Poland, France, and Germany. Panel discussions are followed by practical exercises and exchanges during workshops. The aim is to consider and develop methods to ensure the exchange of valuable information and strengthen the resilience against fake news. 

As the number of participants is limited, register now at the link below:

For questions, more information, and suggestions, please contact