International Relations

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The degree programme International Relations is addressed to people interested in contemporary international politics, world economics, globalisation or international marketing. In choosing this programme you will discover contemporary theories of international relations and gain a broad understanding of their historical context. You will master practical skills in the fields of negotiation, diplomacy and international law, as well as analysis and interpretation of events taking place on the world political and economic stage. Subjects such as management, international business and marketing will help prepare you for work in international corporations, diplomatic missions or non-state actors.

Career prospects:

  • the ministry of foreign affairs,
  • public administration,
  • institutions and organs of the European Union,
  • security agencies,
  • international organisations and institutions,
  • international companies and corporations,
  • marketing, promotion and PR departments in businesses and institutions;
  • mass media firms dealing with international issues,
  • state diplomatic services,
  • think tanks and research institutions.
