- Degree:Master’s degree (graduate; Magister)
- Mode:Full-time
- Language of instruction:English
- Duration of study:2 years (4 semesters)
- Field of study:International Relations
This specialization is designed to train future leaders in the field of security, who will be prepared to effectively face the ever changing security challenges in the interconnected world of today. The Master’s degree program “International Security Studies” is implemented under the auspices of the Terrorism Research Center, Collegium Civitas.
Why Poland?
The program is profiting from its geopolitical location – Poland. Poland – now a member country of the European Union and the NATO – has undergone a tremendous economic and socio-political transformation since 1989. Poland is a country of a dramatic history – with consequences crucial for the understanding of global politics, especially in the broad context of security. Apart from regular classes the participants will be invited to meetings with security experts and practitioners as well as witnesses to history (foremostly: the II World War), they will be encouraged to visit important historic sites and museums (such as: the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising).
The program
The participants will take a close look at various aspects of security (including but not limited to: terrorism, cybersecurity, war and peace, transnational crime, hybrid threats, the media, environment, conflict resolution, intelligence) and different regions (the US, Russia, EU, Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, but we will also take a look e.g. at the Pacific security issues) .
The participants will have the unique possibility to take part in an exclusive educational venture that combines theory and practical approach. During the studies participants will learn how to write an analytical report, what’s the key for a successful briefing and they will work on their own research papers (analyzing a selected security issue of their interest) under the supervision of mentors from the Terrorism Research Center. The best papers by students will be published and disseminated in Poland and abroad – which will be yet another asset of our Alumni on the job market.
In 2020/21 the program has been awarded by the National Competition and Accreditation Program “Future-proof studies” which confirms not only the highest quality of education, but also that the program meets the needs of the labor market. The programme was also awarded with the “European Laurel” for innovative and unique solutions in internationalisation of studies.
Pre-requisites for candidates
The candidates have to meet strict English proficiency and GPA requirements as well as successfully pass an interview (via Skype or in person). We expect from our candidates a background knowledge in history of the 20th century and a strong interest in security issues.
We encourage candidates interested in International Security Studies to apply as soon as possible as the number of placements is limited.
This program is aimed at ambitious, hardworking young professionals and/ or graduate students who intend to pursue their career to the benefit of the public in international organizations, law enforcement, national security agencies, think tanks or in private sector – understanding the role of the public-private partnership in addressing the current security challenges.
Perspectives on the job market
Upon graduation the alumni will have a numerous competitive advantages on the global labor market, incl. the knowledge of a security critical language, broad international outlook, deep knowledge of key security issues and the methods of countering the threats, understanding of the shifting paradigm in security, practical analytical skills (thinking and writing), master’s degree diploma issued by one of the best private universities in Poland, European Union and last, but not least: being part of the network of experts in security from around the world composed of ISS alumni, lecturers and experts at the Terrorism Research Center.
Academic Supervision
This state of the art program is supervised directly by Dr. Paulina Piasecka and Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska – both leading experts in security issues and renowned lecturers.
Collegium Civitas Admissions Office
1 Defilad Square, 00-901 Warsaw