International Relations

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By enrolling for a Master’s degree in International Relations you will be able to make use of new knowledge concerning mechanisms of international cooperation and communication skills in spheres as diverse as economics, politics, law, culture and psychology. This programmme includes lectures, exercises and workshops on international law, international security, international relations theory, and European history. Collegium Civitas lecturers include past and present members of the European Parliament, who are in a position to give you a unique insider perspective as well as the opportunity to discover the European Union through the prism of specific actions that shape its future.

You will acquire practical skills in the following areas:

  • how to take political and economic decisions in an international context;
  • how to analyse, interpret and accurately evaluate phenomena and processes;
  • how to express an opinion precisely;
  • how to produce comprehensive reports;
  • how to develop intercultural relationships;
  • how to communicate and negotiate effectively.

Career prospects:

  • institutions and companies engaged in international economic cooperation;
  • international organisations and institutions;
  • the public sector, local government and state administration;
  • non-governmental organisations;
  • European Union institutions, the UN and NATO;
  • research centres and consultancy firms dealing with international relations;
  • diplomacy;
  • company departments for international cooperation;
  • mass media outlets including newspapers, radio and television.
