Professor Małgorzata Baran at the University of Mataram, Indonesia

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From May 1st to 7th, Professor Małgorzata Baran, Head of the Management Department at Collegium Civitas, had the honor of visiting the University of Mataram in Indonesia under the auspices of the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility program. Her visit was hosted by Dr. Ihsan Ro’is, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, and Dr. Diswandi, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

Founded in 1962, the University of Mataram is a distinguished state university renowned for its comprehensive academic offerings and steadfast dedication to academic excellence.

During her stay, Professor Baran delivered an insightful public lecture on “Innovative Project Management in Academia.” She also participated in several enriching discussions with students, fostering an exchange of ideas and deepening academic connections. The Faculty of Economics and Business, a hub for research and innovation, supported fruitful dialogues about future collaborations between our two institutions. Additionally, Professor Baran’s expertise was recognized with an invitation to serve as a keynote speaker at the forthcoming International Conference on Economic Issues, further strengthening our academic ties.

This successful visit highlights the ongoing commitment of the Erasmus program to foster international academic collaboration and cultural exchange, enriching our global academic community.