Forms of support for people with disabilities

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Some of our students may need support to fully participate in learning activities due to their disabilities. Not all students turn in with the start of the semester to inquire about possible forms of support. I would appreciate it if you would if you see such a need, inform the student to contact me at

My role as Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities is to enable students to participate fully in the educational process. It is also to provide you with organisational support for additional learning needs expressed by students.

In order to make it easier for students with disabilities to fully participate in classes, Collegium Civitas offers the following forms of support, after prior notification to the Disability Services Officer

  • Opportunities to report special educational needs to the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities
  • Free transportation to and from school for students with disabilities, such as mobility impairments
  • Free parking and access to the inner courtyard for students with physical disabilities
  • Instructional assistant support for students that are hearing-impaired, visually-impaired, etc.
  • Sign language interpreter support for hearing impaired students.
  • Opportunities for technology accommodations during instructional activities for special education needs
  • Possibility of installing wheelchair ramps in the halls
  • Possibility to use adjustable benches in the auditorium for students in wheelchairs/on crutches in case of inability to use the desks, which are only accessible from the second row
  • Ensuring access to toilets for persons with physical disabilities – floor IV
  • Making the resources of the Academic Digital Library accessible to students with visual impairments and other disabilities that prevent them from using traditional materials in regular print
  • Possibility to apply for special scholarships dedicated to students with disabilities and for social scholarships
  • Access to psychological support and career counseling
  • Ability to adjust the conditions of passing a course based on a particular disability

I would appreciate it if reports of support for people with disabilities, both students and teaching staff, would go directly to me. This will allow me to respond more quickly, profiled to the needs of the individual. At the same time, I would like to point out that I am only able to take care of those people who make their information available in the context of their disability.


  • Nationwide support table for refugees with disabilities
    The list of organizations is constantly coordinated by the Polish Forum of People with Disabilities*.
    *The list published on the website niepeł
  • Mundita Association Transport of people with disabilities, equipment, medicines, care
  • Polish Association of the Deaf  Ukrainian Sign Language Translator: Skype: DeafUkraine, Mon. – Fri 7.00-23.00, Sat – Sun 8.00-20.00. International sign language: Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram and SMS: +48 783 729 144, +48 724 028 395, Mon-Sun 8.00-20.00