The Asian Economy Center

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Asia is the most populous continent in the world responsible for a significant part of global economic growth. It is also the region where the most spectacular achievements in socio-economic development of the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the 21st century were recorded. The role of Asian economies in the globalization era is growing rapidly, so we can risk the thesis that it has become the key to the global development trajectory. Regional and global dependencies and political processes in Asia have a significant impact on the continent’s economic potential and opportunities for cooperation with individual countries (individual countries differ significantly in developmental dynamics, and growth poles are often surrounded by areas of poverty). In order to effectively use the economic potential of Asian countries, it is necessary to have detailed knowledge about their development, economic environment, structure of national economies, meanders of economic cooperation, major business actors and the political and social processes taking place on the continent. 


The main role of the Asian Economy Center is to transfer knowledge about Asian economies and the possibilities of cooperation with this region and to develop Asian topics as an integral element of studies at Collegium Civitas. The tasks of the Center include: 

  • interdisciplinary research on economies and international cooperation, 
  • conducting didactics in Asian subjects, 
  • preparation of projects promoting knowledge about Asia, 
  • presenting Collegium Civitas as the leading institution in the field of Asian economies. 



 The Center is an interdisciplinary research center. The main areas of research are: 

  • trajectories of development and transformation of Asian countries and perspectives of their changes; 
  • economic potential and specificity of Asian economies, individual regions and the entire continent; 
  • economic and political regional processes, including changes in regional geopolitics; 
  • the role and position of Asia in the global economy; 
  • economic and political international and multilateral cooperation of Asian countries, in particular Central and Eastern Europe. 


Didactic activity  

 The staff of the Center, understanding the importance of Asia in the global economy and the resulting potential of long-term economic cooperation, are developing Asian fields of study. The offer of Collegium Civitas in this field includes bachelor and master studies conducted in Polish. Issues addressed during the course focus on Asian economies, conducting business in countries in this area and economic cooperation between Europe and Asia. 


Other forms of the Center’s activities  

  • organization of cyclical seminars on Asian economies, 
  • regular publishing of scientific research results, 
  • participation in international projects and conferences, 
  • obtaining grants for scientific research.




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