Ina Aliakhnovich, PhD runs the project at Collegium Civitas.
The main purpose of the project is to examine the importance of the experience of studying abroad in Belarusian students and young scientists for their national identity. Individuals participating in the study benefited in 2018-2021 from exchange programs sponsored by Western European countries; in Poland: Scholarschip Program for Young Academics, Konstanty Kalinowski Scholarship Program, Lane Kirkland Scholarschip Program (Polish-American Freedom Foundation).
The research will be based on narratives obtained during interviews with Belarusian grantees of various international exchange programs. The sample of respondents will include participants in projects designed to increase opportunities for Belarusian youth to study abroad at that time.
The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) as part of the “Solidary with Belarus” program.