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Sociology deals with phenomena from the public sphere, including the microcosm of private interests and political, social, economic and cultural systems. If working with people—including all aspects of communication with the environment—fascinates you, study Sociology and learn to analyze ongoing social transformations and predict the consequences of these transformations for regions and local communities. Depending on your chosen specialization, you will be able to expand your knowledge in the fields of new media, coaching, integrated communication, business and management, local marketing, or cybersecurity. The classes are taught by eminent specialists and researchers in the social sciences, such as sociologists of culture, ethnic minorities, art, contemporary culture and philosophical knowledge. Experts include Prof. Jadwiga Koralewicz, Prof. Stanisław Mocek, Prof. Jan Pakulski, Prof. Jan Skórzyński, Prof. Tadeusz Gadacz, Dr Katarzyna Iwińska, Dr Sergiusz Trzeciak, and Dr Marek Troszyński.

You will acquire factual knowledge in the following areas:

  • advanced tools used for qualitative and quantitative analysis,
  • social thought and diverse concepts regarding organization of social life,
  • civil society and public space,
  • social structures and the formation of social institutions,
  • the development of interpersonal relationships.

You will acquire the following key skills:

  • how to interpret social phenomena,
  • how to assess individuals, groups and communities;
  • how to make use of various research techniques;
  • how to communicate in a social setting.

Career prospects:

  • public life,
  • media,
  • market research and opinion poll companies,
  • public and government administrative organs,
  • social services
  • election campaign teams.
