Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations

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Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations (INPISM) Collegium Civitas deals with a wide spectrum of issues, considering them from an empirical, theoretical and historical perspective. The Institute’s research includes contemporary European history, administration and public policies, security, European integration and EU external relations, media, globalization and methodological problems. We also focus on interdisciplinary area research, mainly in Asia, the post-Soviet area and the MENA region. INPISM employees conduct own research and projects financed by the European Union, the National Science Center and the International Visegrad Fund. INPISM employees come from different environments and countries. Many of them actively served in diplomacy and national administration and were associated with leading think tanks and universities in Europe and North America. INPISM hosts visiting professors and doctoral students from other research centers.



Head of the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations

dr Kerry Longhurst









Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations

Tel. 22 656 71 92

Palace of Culture and Science,

12th floor, room 1237

Plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warsaw