What makes an excellent online teacher? – webinar

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Event Date: 2023-09-18

We are pleased to invite you to an online event: “WHAT MAKES AN EXCELLENT ONLINE TEACHER? Taking a joint step to forge digital competencies in higher education didactics”

During the event, we aim to engage in discussions and reflections based on the exchange of experiences and best practices related to online teaching and digital literacy of higher education teachers. Our main objective is to foster the creation of a supportive network of individuals and institutions willing to collaborate on effective, innovative teaching methods and the development of effective tools to improve higher education.

The event will take place on 18 September 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 CET via the ZOOM platform.

We kindly invite you to register for the event through the following link: https://app.evenea.pl/event/advicehubonlineteacher/?lang=en

The event is part of the ADVICE project, implemented by an international consortium of Collegium Civitas, Agricultural University of Athens, University of Northampton, and Sapienza University of Rome. For more information, use the link: https://civitas.edu.pl/en/research/advancing-digital-competence-in-higher-education-advice

Looking forward to meeting you at the event.