Economist, specializing in economic aspects of social policies, sustainable development in the globalised world, international labour standards and industrial relations. Professor at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sigg. During 2014-2015 expert at the Chancellery of the Polish President. From 1993 until 2014 at International Labour Organisation in Geneva. Key member of the team working on new international labour standard, Recommendation no 202 concerning National Floors of Social Protection, adopted by the International Labour Conference in 2012. Before ILO career, assistant professor at the Department of Economics of Warsaw University and adviser to the Polish Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. 1980-1991, adviser to the trade union federation “Solidarność”. Teaches also at Maastricht University. Author of more than 50 books and articles on economic and financial aspects of social policies in Europe, emerging economies and developing countries. In spare time enjoys classical music and jazz, as well as good food and wine.