Undisabling the refugee flow. Increasing the capacity of Polish and Romanian stakeholders to provide support to Ukrainian refugees with disabilities in the metropolitan areas of Warsaw and Bucharest

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The project aims to urgently diagnose, based on the example of Ukrainian war refugees with disabilities (UWRwD), the scope and type of assistance currently provided to RwD. The project will apply a research approach inspired by the concept of the “organizational field” and use it as a unit of analysis (DiMaggio, Powell 1983). This will allow to focus on important actors helping UWRwD. The achievement of the research goal will contribute to a better organization of the support provided to UWRwD. Developing and sharing the knowledge collected in the research and indicating the possibilities of practical improvement of the situation will allow the implementation of the research goal and the achievement of social impact.

The diagnosis of the situation will be made on the basis of a multidimensional participatory study (analysis of documents and expert opinions, individual expert interviews with important environmental actors, case studies and extended group interviews), which will contribute to broadening sociological knowledge and will allow for the formulation of practical guidelines on real help for refugees with disabilities.

The expected results include increasing the knowledge of the assistance provided to UWRwD and practical tips to improve the assistance provided to UWRwD: a report with research results, a toolkit with guidelines and good practice, scientific articles and a website with project results available for people with disabilities.

The project is based on research cooperation between Collegium Civitas and the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, which will allow to strengthen the research potential of the applicant and make it possible to compare the way in which stakeholders operating in the metropolitan areas of Warsaw and Bucharest support UWRwD.

Project websitehttps://unrf.civitas.edu.pl/en

Project team members:

  • Magdalena Szarota, PhD (Collegium Civitas),
  • Prof. Bogdan Voicu (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy),
  • Alexandra Deliu, PhD (Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy).

Marta Sałkowska, PhD (Collegium Civitas) is a co-author of the grant proposal.


The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) as part of the “NAWA Urgency Grants” Program.