Understanding Migration Realities: Teaching Through Migration Research in Diverse Societies (MIGRAEDU)

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The aim of the project is to conduct research on the current situation of Ukrainian refugees with special needs in Poland and Romania. Based on this research, modern e-learning materials will be developed, aligning with the concept of research-led teaching. These materials will cover topics such as refugee assistance and humanitarian aid, the role of civil society and NGOs in supporting refugees, the quality of life and needs of refugees, challenges in integrating refugees with disabilities, research methods and techniques in refugee studies, and ethical issues related to researching vulnerable groups. 

The project is carried out in partnership with the Research Institute for Quality of Life (ICCV), part of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. Both students from Collegium Civitas and PhD students from ICCV will participate in the research and in the creation and evaluation of the teaching materials. This collaboration, along with the provision of training and methodological support for lecturers, will enhance the educational and research capabilities of both our university and the partner institution. 

The project’s outcomes will include e-learning materials for students, scientific publications presenting research findings on the quality of life of refugees, reports, and recommendations on conducting research with highly vulnerable groups and managing sensitive research data. The project will conclude with a conference to disseminate the results. 

Project manager: Dr Monika Nowicka  

The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the NAWA Strategic Partnerships, under grant agreement no. BNI/PST/2023/1/00135/U/00001.