- Rodzaj studiów:II stopnia (magisterskie uzupełniające)
- Tryb studiów:stacjonarne
- Język wykładowy:angielski
- Czas trwania studiów:2 lata (4 semestry: 2 semestry w Collegium Civitas oraz 2 semestry w West Virginia University)
- Kierunek:Stosunki międzynarodowe
This double degree programme starts in October at Collegium Civitas, where students will spend two semesters taking core modules in International History and Security Studies with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe, the European Union and its external relations, issues related to terrorism, energy security and sustainable development.
After the first year students will spend a further two semesters at West Virginia University the following courses in international history, with elective courses in ethics in global politics, history of intelligence, foreign policy, history of dictatorships and democratization, human rights, international law and environmental challenges.
Graduates from the programme will receive two master’s degrees: an M.A. in History from WVU and a Magister degree in International Relations from CC.
By following the programme you will gain an advanced level of knowledge and understanding in the areas of:
- International Relations, Diplomacy and Key Topics in Contemporary Security Studies
- Aspects of International Law, Ethics and Human Rights
- Processes of European Political and Economic Integration
- Topics in Global and European History
- Foreign Policy Analysis
- Central and Eastern European Studies
- Contemporary security threats, including energy, terrorism and environmental challenges
Students will also acquire:
- Advanced analytical skills in the domains of foreign and security policy
- A capacity to critically engage with and utilise theories and concepts in international history
- Skills for public speaking, negotiation and debate, as well as report writing
- Capacities and skills needed for cross-cultural communication, flexibility and team work
- A range of practical skills geared to improving leadership skills and project management
Career Prospects:
- The Public Sector at National and Regional Levels in the spheres of Foreign and Security Policy, Justice and Home Affairs and Development and Overseas Aid.
- International Organisations and Institutions
- European Union Institutions;
- The Media
- Non-Governmental Organisations – National and International
- Cultural Sector
- Private Consultancies
- Think Tanks
- Participation in a prestigious Trans-Atlantic M.A. Dual Degree Graduate Program in International History and Security Studies
- Teaching and instruction led by an international faculty of leading academics and practitioners in Poland and the U.S.
- A programme of studies incorporating contemporary issues and trends and delivering practical knowledge and insights
- An opportunity to travel to Eastern Europe for briefings with experts and practitioners (at extra cost)
- An opportunity to gain a range of important transferrable skills relevant to today and tomorrow’s job markets .