Multimedia Communication

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Przedmioty* specjalności Multimedia Communication od r. ak. 2024/2025

  • AI in the Life of a Content Creator
  • Building a Personal Brand Online
  • Content Marketing, Branded Content, and Advertising
  • Ethical Influencer Marketing
  • Introduction to SEO, SEM, and SERM: Google, YouTube
  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Media, Agencies, Media Houses – Polish Market Landscape
  • Monetizing Your Online Content – Legally and Ethically
  • Online Video Content – Formats, Production, and Distribution

*Program może ulec nieznacznym zmianom.

Przedmioty* kierunku Sociology od r. ak. 2024/2025

  • Challenges of Modern Societies: Poland – Europe – the world
  • Cultures and Society
  • Economy, Politics and Society: Contemporary Capitalism and Social Inequalities
  • Ethnography On-Line: Research and Ethics
  • Introduction to Social Science Research: Methodologies and Data
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Microsociology
  • Qualitative Data Analysis (Atlas.ti)
  • Qualitative Data Analysis (SPSS/R)
  • Social Psychology: Theory & Practice
  • Society and Climate Changes
  • Society and The Digital Revolution
  • Sociological Research: Qualitative
  • Sociological Research: Quantitative
  • Sociological Theories: from the Classics to the Modern
  • Sociological Thinking in Practice
  • Sociology of Emotions
  • Statistics for Social Research
  • Workshop of Critical Reflection: Analysis of Philosophical and Socio-Political Texts
  • Workshop of Effective Communication
  • Workshop of Using Sociological Imagination: Sociological Theories in Practice
  • World Social History (XXth and XXI Century)
  • Physical Education
  • Foreign Language
  • Internships

In addition to the above – elective courses

*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course and at any time.
The program is offered only if a required minimum number of students opt for it.

After having successfully completed this programme, students will be granted a diploma of Licencjat in Sociology, specialisation: Multimedia Communication.

Poland conforms to the guidelines from the Bologna Process in European higher education. Degree awarded upon graduation is: Licencjat (first cycle studies; the Polish equivalent of the Bachelor’s degree; similar to BA title). Upon graduation, the Student receives a Diploma of completion of studies together with a Diploma Supplement (copy of the Diploma translated into English, describing the degree, level and specialisation).




Biuro Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas

22 656 71 89
pok. 1211, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 p. pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa