- Rodzaj studiów:I stopnia (licencjackie)
- Tryb studiów:stacjonarne
- Język wykładowy:angielski
- Czas trwania studiów:3 lata (6 semestrów)
- Kierunek:Stosunki międzynarodowe
Do you plan your career in international environment? Can you see yourself working in European Union’s administrative structures? Would you like to be a diplomat? Study at Collegium Civitas – modern, multicultural university in the heart of Warsaw, Poland! International Relations programme at our university offers a unique opportunity for students to choose academic courses that suit their personal career path e.g. in diplomacy, international business or political consulting. The programme aims at preparing students for analytical research on structures, and key factors necessary to understand international dynamics. It explores the processes and conceptions behind international relations, analysing the role of states, multinational corporations, and international organizations.
Our Bachelor’s degree International Relations programme links strong theoretical and practical dimensions to meet the needs of the labour market. It was designed to fully equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to start a career in the international realm as well as successfully pursuing a Master’s Degree in international relations or related fields. The courses are led by former foreign and European ministers, ambassadors, CEO of think-tanks and respectable European scholars.
During the studies you will gain knowledge in:
- international relations,
- international politics,
- macroeconomics,
- law,
- world history,
- philosophy,
- media,
- diplomacy,
- international negotiations,
- international business.
You will gain practical skills in:
- analysing and drawing conclusions based on critical understanding of key events in international politics;
- critically assessing data, information and ideas;
- developing a greater awareness of the key concepts and theories used to explain contemporary international events;
- oral and written communication in international and multicultural environment;
- presentation and negotiation.
Job prospects:
- International-global organizations (for example the UN, World Bank),
- Regional organizations (for example the EU, ASEAN),
- Diplomatic service,
- National parliaments,
- Institutions of the European Union,
- Think-tanks,
- Non-Governmental Organizations,
- International business sector.
- The main advantage of Collegium Civitas International Relations programme is its flexibility. After completing International Relations compulsory courses students choose classes according to their own interests and professional goals.
- A tremendous variety of electives include courses available exclusively for different International Relations paths, including Public Diplomacy or International Business and negotiations.
- The programme focuses on international relations’ contemporary dynamic.
- CC provides one who cannot decide if she/he prefers to study in English or Polish with an exceptional bilingual International Relations programme.