Przedmioty* specjalności International Relations od 2024/2025*
- Challenges and Threats in the Middle East
- Hybrid Conflicts and Asymmetric Threats
- International Marketing
- Latin America in Contemporary International Relations
- Political and Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Regional Integration and Global Challenges in Africa
- The European Union in Contemporary International Relations
- The Post-Soviet Area in the Face of Reconfiguration of Political and Economic Forces
- The Socio-Political Transformation of Poland in the 20th Century
Przedmioty* kierunku International Relations od r. ak. 2024/2025
- Conflicts and International Disputes and Contemporary Security Systems
- Cybersecurity
- Empathic Communication
- History of Diplomacy
- History of Political Philosophy and International Thought
- Innovative and Creative Thinking
- International Cultural Relations
- International Economic Relations
- International Organisations
- International Public Law
- Introduction to Critical Thinking
- Introduction to International Relations
- Introduction to Law
- Macroeconomy
- Microeconomy
- Modern Political Systems
- Political Geography
- Sociology of International Relations
- Strategic Games
- The Law of International Treaties
- World History 1914-1956
- World History since 1956
- Physical Education
- Foreign Language
- Internships
In addition to the above – elective courses
*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course or programme and at any time.
The program is offered only if a required minimum number of students opt for it.
Please note, that the schedule of courses may be different for students starting the program in the spring semester than for students staring the program in the winter semester.
After having successfully completed this program, students will be granted a diploma of Licencjat in International Relations, specialization: International Relations.
Poland conforms to the guidelines from the Bologna Process in European higher education. Degree awarded upon graduation is: Licencjat (first cycle studies; the Polish equivalent of the Bachelor’s degree; similar to BA title). Upon graduation, the Student receives a Diploma of completion of studies together with a Diploma Supplement (copy of the Diploma translated into English, describing the degree, level and specialisation).