Media, Diplomacy and International Negotiations

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  1. Rodzaj studiów:
    I stopnia (licencjackie)
  2. Tryb studiów:
  3. Język wykładowy:
  4. Czas trwania studiów:
    3 lata (6 semestrów)
  5. Kierunek:
    Stosunki międzynarodowe


Are you interested in diplomacy and modern trends in media? Would you like to understand the correlation between them? “Media, Diplomacy & International Negotiations” at Collegium Civitas university in Warsaw, Poland is a Bachelor’s degree programme through which you will learn how decisions are made on an international level, and how to influence them by using adequate negotiation techniques.

The curriculum is based on the critical understanding of key events in international politics. Techniques surrounding interpersonal communication and negotiation are also actively implemented. Collegium Civitas is a modern, multicultural university in the heart of Warsaw, Poland, European Union. At our university you will have the opportunity to participate in courses by experts, academics, former diplomats and government officials. The Head of the Programme is Dr Sławomir Klimkiewicz – former Head of Polish diplomatic missions in Paris, Caracas, Havana and Alger



During the studies you will gain knowledge on:

  • international relations,
  • history of diplomacy,
  • international law,
  • diplomatic protocol;
  • media market (Internet, TV, press and radio);


You will gain practical skills in:

  • using information sources, especially via the Internet;
  • analysing and making conclusions based on critical understanding of key events in international politics;
  • using diplomatic tools in the information age;
  • developing interpretative and analytical skills;
  • conducting difficult negotiation talks;
  • self-presentation technique.


Job prospects:

  • ministries,
  • international organizations,
  • EU institutions and agencies,
  • non-governmental organizations,
  • embassies,
  • public and regional administration,
  • private and public media,
  • consulting companies.



  • qualified lecturers will help you acquire the necessary skills (using information sources, analysing and making conclusions based on critical understanding of key events in international politics, using diplomatic tools);
  • innovative curriculum which is designed in a way that will allow you both in diplomacy, international organizations and private sector;
  • you will gain practical skills in analyzing complex diplomacy problems;
  • you will learn how to provide difficult negotiations;
  • multicultural environment gives you a chance to act, communicate and cooperate in a global reality;
  • you will increase your language skills and your chances of finding a dream job in an international environment.



Biuro Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas

22 656 71 89
pok. 1251, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 p. pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa