This specialization is designed to train future leaders in the field of security, who will be prepared to effectively face the ever changing security challenges in the interconnected world of today. The Master’s Degree Program International Security Studies is implemented under the auspices of the Terrorism Research Center, Collegium Civitas. The program is supervised directly by Dr. Paulina Piasecka and Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska – both experts in security issues and renowned lecturers. The courses are taught by leading experts and lecturers: Dr. Roland Zarzycki, Dr. Kerry Longhurst, Dr. Katarzyna Iwińska, Dr. Rafał Trzaskowski, Ambassador Grzegorz Dziemidowicz, Dr. Wojciech Szewko and others.
Founded in 2006, the Terrorism Research Center is a research unit within Collegium Civitas University (Warsaw, Poland). The Center is one of the leading think-tanks in Poland with renowned experts participating in projects conducted by the Center. The main fields of activity include scientific research, analytical undertakings as well as education and raising awareness about security issues in society. Center research focuses on the wide range of issues of international terrorism and its combating, as well as on the impact of those phenomena on the functioning of the state and its citizens, both in the public and private sectors. The Center’s interests include, but are not limited to: defining terrorist threats, evolution of modern terrorism, psychology of terrorism, tools to fight terrorism, risk assessment and analysis, issues related to mass media.
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Dr. Paulina Piasecka is an expert in the area of international terrorism and cybersecurity. She is a former senior expert in the Counter-terrorism unit of the Ministry of Interior and Administration of the Republic of Poland, and head of the unit for Non-Military Security (Department of Legal and Non-Military Affairs) at National Security Bureau, Poland. Dr. Piasecka was a participant of the US State Department “International Visitor Leadership Program” in the area of cybersecurity. She is Deputy Director of the Terrorism Studies Centre at Collegium Civitas, Deputy Head of Information Analysis Institute at Collegium Civitas, and a lecturer at Collegium Civitas. She is a co-author and editor of publications on cybersecurity, information analysis, and international terrorism and counterterrorism.
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Dr. Katarzyna Maniszewska is the Vice-Rector for International Relations at Collegium Civitas university, Warsaw, Poland. She is the Director of the Polish-American Summer School Program “Security and Society in the Information Age” ( Dr. Maniszewska is an expert in security issues, journalist and philologist. Her research focuses on the history and development of political extremism and terrorism with particular emphasis on media coverage of terrorism. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Terrorism Research Centre and lecturer at Collegium Civitas University. Her academic publications include two books on the history of terrorism as well as numerous papers devoted – among other issues – to the role of the media (incl. Internet and social media) in the strategies of terrorist organizations. In her papers she points out the significance of media-literacy and public education in enhancing the traditional counterterrorism measures.
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