Przedmioty* specjalności International Security Studies od r. ak. 2023/2024
- Climate and Energy Security
- Cybersecurity in International Relations
- Decolonization and Post-Colonialism
- Hybrid and New Modes of Conflict
- International Security Studies: Research Seminar
- Introduction to Security Studies
- Socio-Political Geography of Terrorism
- War and Peace
*Program może ulec nieznacznym zmianom
Przedmioty* kierunku International Relations od r. ak. 2023/2024
- Contemporary International Relations – Theory and Practice
- Critical Thinking
- European Civilization
- Global Powers and Challenges and Threats of the 21st Century – Discussions
- Globalization Processes
- International Political Economy
- Methodology of International Relations Research
- Negotiations and Mediations in a Multicultural Environment
- Political Strategies in a Multipolar World
- Statistics
- Strategic Studies
- The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union
- Master’s degree seminar
In addition to the above:
Elective Courses
Additional Electives:
In addition to courses listed above, each semester the students have the possibility to register – free of additional charge – for two more courses from among all of those taught at Collegium Civitas (subject to availability of places in a course).
*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course and at any time.
The program is offered only if a required minimum number of students opt for it.
Please note, that the schedule of courses may be different for students starting the programme in the spring semester than for students staring the programme in the winter semester.
Poland conforms to the guidelines from the Bologna Process in European higher education. Degree awarded upon graduation is: Magister (second cycle studies; the Polish equivalent of the Master’s degree; similar to MA title). Upon graduation, the Student receives a Diploma of completion of studies together with a Diploma Supplement (copy of the Diploma translated into English, describing the degree, level and specialisation).
After having successfully completed this program, students will be granted a diploma of Magister in International Relations, specialisation: International Security Studies.
Collegium Civitas Admissions Office
phone: +48 508 929 652
room 1210, Palace of Culture and Science, 12th floor
1 Defilad Square, 00-901 Warsaw, Poland