Social Media Management and Digital Commerce

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  1. Rodzaj studiów:
    II stopnia (magisterskie uzupełniające)
  2. Tryb studiów:
  3. Język wykładowy:
  4. Czas trwania studiów:
    2 lata (4 semestry)
  5. Kierunek:

Collegium Civitas’ Social Media Management & Digital Commerce program offers students 8 courses essential to successfully working in today’s Marketing, Communications, Web, and Mobile Technology business arenas.

Lecturers are internationally active practitioners and specialists in their specific course subject’s field. This educational design affords the most current and proven practices and industry insight.

Our international student body offers invaluable peer perspectives on current events and varying practices with rare insight into social, cultural, and political norms while creating professional strategic alliances.

Students will learn how to create and manage a Social Network. They will carry out digital marketing strategy steps in a product’s life cycle to design, develop, implement, and measure campaigns and content communications to best assess, report, and profit from data influence on business and society.

Courses benefit those planning to work as:

  • Digital Marketer
  • Content Manager
  • Social Media Analyst
  • E-Business Manager
  • Data Strategist
  • YouTuber
  • UI/UX designer
  • and more.



Collegium Civitas’ Social Media Management & Digital Commerce program offers students 14 courses essential to successfully working in today’s Marketing, Communications, Web and Mobile Technology arenas. This New Media specialization is the only one of its kind in Poland’s dynamic capital of Warsaw and the only one taught in English throughout all of Central & Eastern Europe.

Experiential Advantages

1. Collegium Civitas refocuses from academia’s traditional theory: to applied learning with 11 out of the 14 courses in a laboratory simulated business environment. Lecturers are internationally active practitioners and specialists in their specific course subject’s field. This affords students with hands-on experience working with clients, building tangible business plans and analyzing real campaigns. This educational design affords the most current and proven practices with exceptional internship opportunities and industry insight.

2. Our multinational student body: offers invaluable peer perspective on current events and varying practices with rare insight into social, cultural and political norms as well as professional strategic alliances.


Students graduate from this degree program knowing how to create and manage an entire Social Network (e.g., Facebook, Google, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat & Twitter). They will carry out all digital marketing strategy steps in a product’s lifecycle to design, develop, implement and measure campaigns and content communications so as to best assess, report and profit from data influence on business and society.

Defining Characteristics

1. Technical Tools & Creative Practices
Collegium Civitas incorporates technical tools and creative practices with new media and communications trends to prepare students for the fields of digital communications and social media in the public and private sector.
2. Career-Focused Courses
We curated these courses to benefit those planning to work as a Digital Marketer, Content Manager, Social Media Analyst, Communications Coordinator, Public Relations Manager, Data Strategist, YouTube Channel Editor, Vlogger, Social Video Producer and more.

Supplementary benefits

  • you will discover the main fields of activity in the marketing industry: analysis and planning; conceptualizing social media strategy; and the presentation of strategy to clients;
  • specialist subjects are taught by experienced industry practitioners who will reveal to you the specificity of the job from the inside;
  • some of the subjects – especially those in the field of ​​creation or strategy – take the form of a workshop allowing you to learn to use specific tools in practice;
  • you will get to know the international media market;
  • as the curriculum is conducted in English, you will be able to improve your language skills and increase your chances of finding a dream job in an international context.


Biuro Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas

22 656 71 89
pok. 1251, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 p. pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa