Social Media Management and Digital Commerce

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Collegium Civitas’ SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT & DIGITAL COMMERCE specialization refocuses from academia’s traditional theory: to applied learning with 11 out of the 14 courses in a laboratory simulated business environment. Lecturers are internationally active practitioners and specialists in their specific course subject’s field. This affords students with hands-on experience working with clients, building tangible business plans and analyzing real campaigns. This educational design affords the most current and proven practices with exceptional internship opportunities and industry insight.

Specialisation courses* – Social Media Management and Digital Commerce – 2024/2025 academic year

  • Digital Marketing and Advertising
  • E-Commerce
  • Google & YouTube
  • Introduction to AI
  • Social Media and Politics
  • Social Media Platforms and Algorithms
  • Video and Visuals for Social Media Marketing

*Program może ulec nieznacznym zmianom

Przedmioty* kierunku Sociology od r. ak. 2024/2025

  • Advanced Classical Sociological Theories
  • Advanced Qualitative Research
  • Advanced Quantitative Research
  • Contemporary Sociological Theories
  • Critical Thinking Workshop: Society in Change
  • Culture, Communication and Social Media
  • Elements of the General Methodology of Science
  • Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Quantitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Society – Economy – Globalization
  • Sociology and Societies of Post-Modernity
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Master’s degree seminar

Dodatkowo przedmioty fakultatywne.

*Program może ulec nieznacznym zmianom

*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course and at any time.

The program is offered only if a required minimum number of students opt for it.

After having successfully completed this program, students will be granted a diploma of Magister in Sociology, specialisation: Social Media Management and Digital Commerce.

Poland conforms to the guidelines from the Bologna Process in European higher education. Degree awarded upon graduation is: Magister (second cycle studies; the Polish equivalent of the Master’s degree; similar to MA title). Upon graduation, the Student receives a Diploma of completion of studies together with a Diploma Supplement (copy of the Diploma translated into English, describing the degree, level and specialisation).



Biuro Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas

22 656 71 89
pok. 1251, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 p. pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa