International Business and Negotiations (podwójny dyplom z Suleyman Demirel University)

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  1. Rodzaj studiów:
    II stopnia (magisterskie uzupełniające)
  2. Tryb studiów:
  3. Język wykładowy:
  4. Czas trwania studiów:
    2 lata (4 semestry)
  5. Kierunek:
    Stosunki międzynarodowe


The double degree Master’s programme in International Business and Negotiations is a run by Collegium Civitas (Warsaw, Poland, European Union) in cooperation with Suleyman Demirel University (Almaty, Kazkhstan). It is aimed at ambitious candidates who want to be successful in the business environment, especially with view to cooperation between Central Asia and the European Union countries. During the programme the students spend two semesters at Collegium Civitas (CC) and two semesters at Suleyman Demirel University (SDU).

Graduating students will receive two Master’s degrees – one from CC and one from SDU. Today’s business world is driven by competition, increased internationalisation and a global market place. This is true not only for large international and multinational firms, but also for small and medium-sized organizations. Multinational firms therefore seek an increasing number of professionals who not only have a profound knowledge in business, but are also able to work in a cross-cultural environment. Would you like to meet this challenge? Choose the double degree Master’s programme in International Business and Negotiations at Collegium Civitas and Suleyman Demirel University!


The programme has a unique and distinct profile, which provides you state-of-the-art skills and knowledge in core business disciplines, enriching you with an international focus. The programme in International Business and Negotiations focuses on dealing with economic, legal and political issues in an international business context and also takes into account the highly sensitive nature of cultural differences with the special focus on the European Union and Central Asia. The knowledge of other cultures is crucial to being a successful international business leader. A variety of selected specialized courses will lead students through standard business practices, ethics, economics, and law as well as allowing the student to focus on a subset of the field such as marketing, finance and accounting.

Suleyman Demirel University is a private higher educational institution located in Kaskelen, near Almaty. Collegium Civitas is a modern, multicultural university in the heart of Warsaw, Poland, European Union.

Dział Rekrutacji Collegium Civitas
tel. 22 656 71 89

pokój 1210, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, 12 piętro
plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa


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